Maryland's adult-use cannabis market is expected to reach $2.1 billion in annual sales by 2027, and the state will need additional independent cannabis testing laboratories to meet the demand. As it stands, there are only three licensed Maryland cannabis testing laboratories, so now is the time to prepare an application to service the growing market. In this article, our Maryland cannabis testing laboratory consultants provide you with a summary of the requirements and license application process.
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Requirements for a Maryland Cannabis Testing Laboratory
If you want to start a cannabis testing laboratory in Maryland, you must:
meet the application requirements established by the Maryland Cannabis Administration ("Administration");
pay an application fee determined by the Administration; and
meet the standards and requirements for accreditation, inspection, and testing established by the Administration.
As a Maryland cannabis testing laboratory, you will be responsible for collecting, transporting, and testing samples of cannabis and cannabis products for:
Detection and quantitation of contaminants; and
Now that you're aware of the requirements for independent testing laboratories in Maryland, lets go over the license application process
License Application for Maryland Cannabis Testing Laboratories
In this section, our Maryland cannabis testing laboratory consultants summarize the license application process. To obtain a license, or "register", as an independent testing laboratory in Maryland, you must fill out the application form on the Administration's website.
As part of your Maryland cannabis testing laboratory license application, you are required to submit the following:
Business Contact Information;
Proof of 17025 ISO/IEC accreditation;
Business History;
Diagram of the physical location of the business to be registered. The diagram must label and indicate the dimensions of: limited access areas, walls, partitions, entrances, and exits. The diagram must also identify the location of any security equipment and indicate how each designated area will be utilized;
All financial statements completed in the past two (2) years; and
Business Plan, including:
A description of the facility (desired square footage, number of employees to be hired, etc.);
The scope of proposed activities;
The budget and resource narratives;
A timeline for initiating operations; and
A description of the plan to ensure appropriate employee working conditions, benefits and training.
The application for a Maryland cannabis testing license has a lot of moving parts and is time-consuming. Let our Maryland cannabis testing laboratory consultants manage your application for you and guide you through the process, while you focus on running your business. Our cannabis laboratory consultants have helped businesses apply for and receive licenses across the U.S.
Guide on Starting a Maryland Cannabis Testing Laboratory Business
Below is an 8-step guide on how to start a Maryland cannabis testing laboratory.
Step 1: Read the Maryland Cannabis Testing Laws and Rules
Our Maryland cannabis testing consultants suggest you begin by reading the laws and regulations. Focus on the following:
House Bill 556 (the bill that legalized adult-use cannabis in Maryland)
Medical Cannabis Laws and Regulations in Maryland
By doing so, you will gain an understanding of what is required to start a cannabis testing laboratory in Maryland.
Step 2: Team up with a Maryland Cannabis Laboratory Consultant
Step 3: Craft a Business Plan
Step 4: Raise Capital
Step 5: Obtain Property and Equipment
Step 6: Develop Cannabis Testing Procedures
Step 7: Obtain 17025 ISO/IEC accreditation
Step 8: Apply for your Maryland Cannabis Testing Laboratory License
Useful Resources
At this point, our Maryland cannabis testing consultants have summarized the essential information regarding the license application process. In this section, you find links to useful resources that will aid you during your Maryland cannabis license application.
For starters, here is a link to the Maryland Cannabis Administrations (MCA) website. Here is where you will find the latest updates regarding Maryland cannabis business licenses.
Here are additional links to helpful resources:
House Bill 556 (the bill that legalized adult-use cannabis in Maryland)
Medical Cannabis Laws and Regulations in Maryland
Implementation Timeline for Adult-use Cannabis in Maryland
FAQs for Maryland Adult-Use Cannabis
For those who may be interested, the MCA recently started accepting applications for all non-testing laboratory adult-use cannabis business licenses , thereby ushering in a new wave of potential operators. Here is a link to instructions for the adult-use cannabis business license application in Maryland.
Conclusions from our Maryland Cannabis Testing Laboratory Consultants
Now is the time to apply for a Maryland cannabis testing laboratory license. The state's adult-use cannabis market is growing rapidly, and there is an opportunity to stake your claim in this growing market early. Schedule a call with our Maryland cannabis testing consultants today and start your journey to becoming an owner of a cannabis testing business in Maryland.