E4 Bioscience managing partner, Dr. Shaun Opie, partnered with CloudLIMS to author a new eBook about the connection between laboratory information management solutions (LIMS) and ISO 17025 accreditation in the cannabis testing laboratory sector. This eBook explores how laboratories can benefit from laboratory informatics systems such as laboratory information management systems (LIMS). Selecting the right LIMS is a critical decision for laboratories seeking to obtain or maintain ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. It requires consideration of a variety of factors, such as the features and functionalities that best suit the laboratory's needs, the LIMS vendor's support and training capabilities, and the cost of implementation and maintenance. This eBook provides guidance on identifying critical LIMS features that enable better compliance with the ASTM E1578-18 Standard Guide for Laboratory Informatics. Other factors to consider include cybersecurity, system flexibility, cost, implementation, and warranties. Finally, the eBook explains how to use ASTM E1578-18 Standard Guide for Laboratory Informatics to make informed decisions and ensure compliance with the standard.
What is included in the eBook:
Differences between ISO 17025 and ISO 9001
Updates from ISO 17025:2005 to ISO 17025:2017
The advantages cannabis testing labs gain by conforming to ISO 17025
A comprehensive list of the pertinent sections of ISO 17025 and the corresponding requirements in the ASTM E1578-18 Standard Guide for Laboratory Informatics, accompanied by an explanation of how meeting these requirements influences the lab’s adherence to ISO/IEC 17025
Guidance on selecting a cannabis lab testing software or LIMS to enhance adherence to ISO 17025 standard in a cannabis testing lab

If your laboratory would like to talk to our cannabis laboratory consultants about the LIMS selection, configuration, and implementation process, please contact us.