E4 Bioscience managing partner, Dr. Shaun Opie, was an invited guest on a CloudLIMS podcast series and provided an overview of ISO 17025 accreditation for cannabis laboratories.

ISO 17025 accreditation is an internationally recognized designation that outlines the requirements for testing, calibration, and sampling laboratories to demonstrate their competence, impartiality, and consistency in business activities. Dr. Opie deeply appreciates the operational value that conforming to the ISO 17025 standard provides through his experience as a lead assessor and as a previous owner of multiple testing laboratories. “While some laboratories see following ISO 17025 as a paper pushing experience, I have seen firsthand that laboratories who commit to quality perform better financially, have less operational interruptions, and typically enjoy a much higher staff engagement.”
Listen to the podcast
You can listen to the podcast here.
If you would like to speak with one of our cannabis testing consultants to learn more about the accreditation planning process please contact us!