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Florida Certified Marijuana Testing Laboratory License

Writer's picture: Shaun Opie, PhDShaun Opie, PhD

Would you like help with your Florida Certified Marijuana Testing Laboratory (CMTL) license application? Early planning is crucial to success! Florida CMTL license applications are complex and technical documents that have a challenging ISO 17025 accreditation requirement. You can increase your chances of winning by allowing our Florida cannabis testing consultants to guide and support your application from start to finish.

Below is an overview of the application process and a step-by-step guide for winning a Florida certified marijuana testing laboratory license. But if you’d prefer to speak with our marijuana testing consultants and ask questions directly, please contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Table of Contents

Florida Certified Marijuana Testing Laboratory License

Rules and Regulations

As your first step, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the rules and regulations. The links here provide a detailed overview of the application process and regulations that you will need to follow when operating your business. You’ll also determine if you’re eligible to apply for a medical cannabis testing license in Florida.

In addition to the rules and regulations, you should know that the Florida Department of Health Office of Medical Marijuana Use oversees the medical marijuana market in Florida, including the issuance of licenses.

Application Requirements for a Marijuana Testing Laboratory License in Florida

Let’s analyze the sections you must include in your application. Below, our cannabis testing laboratory consultants in Florida provide you with a list of the sections you must include in your application:

General Applicant Information

1) General demographic information about individual and business applying.

Declaration of Exempt Information

1) The must mark any documentation they believe is exempt from public inspection as “Confidential – Exempt from Public Disclosure.”

2) The Applicant must submit a brief, written description of the grounds for claiming an exemption from the Public Records Law, including the specific statutory citation for such exemption.

Accreditations and Certifications

1) Documentation to establish that the Applicant currently possesses ISO/IEC17025:2017 accreditation in each Testing Field, identified in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64ER20-14(4)(a), for which the Applicant intends to test.

2) All materials and documents from the Applicant’s most recent ISO/IEC 17025:2017 audit.

3) Documentation identifying the entity or person that awarded the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation, to include documentation evidencing recognition of that entity or person by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC)

4) The initial certification report or the most recent audit report from an ILAC accredited auditing body.

Proficiency Testing

1) The Applicant must include documentation evidencing satisfactory results on two of the three most recent proficiency tests administered by an ISO/IEC 17043:2010 accredited body for each Testing Field within a Matrix Group, identified in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64ER20-14(4)(b), for which the Applicant intends to test.


1) An organizational chart illustrating the supervisory structure of the Testing Facility for which certification is sought. The chart must include the identities of all Managers and supervisors of personnel;

2) A narrative clearly describing the duties and responsibilities of each position listed in the organizational chart;

3)Documentation evidencing that the Laboratory Director meets the following requirements:

a. Only oversees one of the Applicant’s physically independent CMTLs;

b. Is 21 years of age or older;

c. Holds a bachelor’s degree in a natural science, including, but not be limited to, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or environmental sciences, or holds a current license as a Clinical Laboratory Personnel, as defined in section 483.803, F.S., from the Florida Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel;

d. Has been provided specific training by the Applicant on the Applicant’s minimum requirements for sampling and Standard Operating Procedures for sampling and security; and

e. Has a minimum of three (3) years of experience in an ISO, CAP, TNI, or similarly accredited laboratory environment.

4)Documentation evidencing that each Analyst meets the following requirements:

a. Is 21 years of age or older;

b. Holds a bachelor’s degree in a natural science, including, but not be limited to, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, or environmental sciences, or holds a current license as a Clinical Laboratory Personnel, as defined in section 483.803, F.S., from the Florida Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel; and

c. Has been provided specific training by the Applicant on the Applicant’s minimum requirements for sampling and Standard Operating Procedures for sampling and security.

5)Documentation evidencing that each Sampler meets the following requirements:

a. Is 21 years of age or older;

b. Has a high school diploma from a state-approved and accredited public or private school, or its equivalent; and

c. Has been provided specific training by the Applicant on the Applicant’s minimum requirements for sampling and the Applicant’s Standard Operating Procedures for sampling and sample security.

6)Documentation evidencing that each Employee meets the following requirements:

a. Is 21 years of age or older; and

b. Has a high school diploma from a state-approved and accredited public or private school, or its equivalent.

Background Screenings

1) All Owners, Managers, and Employees of the Applicant— including Samplers, Analysts, and Laboratory Directors—must successfully pass a level 2 background screening pursuant to section 435.04, F.S., and must not have not been found guilty of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, any offense listed in chapters 837, 895, or 896, F.S., or similar law of another jurisdiction.

2) A complete list of the Applicant’s prospective Owners, Managers, and Employees, as those terms are defined by CMTL rules;

3) For each identified Owner, Manager, and Employee, a copy of Form DH8023 OMMU-01/2020, “CMTL Waiver Agreement and Statement”

Infrastructure and Security

1) A floor plan identifying the location of all secure storage areas and security cameras;

2) The make, model, VIN number, license plate number and proof of registration and insurance for all vehicles that will be used to transport marijuana; and

3) A detailed plan that addresses all infrastructure and security requirements contained in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64ER20-14(4)(d).

Operations and accountability

1) Standard Operating Procedures that comply with the requirements of Florida Administrative Code Rule 64ER20-14(4)(e).


1) A fully diluted capitalization table as required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 64ER20-14(4)(g). The fully diluted capitalization table must list all share types and the aggregate sum of shares associated to any natural person as of a date no less than 7 calendar days prior to the date of the Applicant’s submission of this application.

2) Any contract(s), the effect of which is to change the Control of the entity holding the certification, or to change its Management, Owners or Investors, whether executed or not executed.

Attestation of Accuracy, Compliance, and Familiarity with the Law

Submission Packet

A complete copy of the application in PDF format must be submitted on a USB flash drive together with the application hardcopy. The PDF copy must be identical to the original hardcopy version of the application.


To apply for an CMTL license in Florida, you will have to pay a non-refundable application fee in the amount of $62,945.25, and it must be in the form of a cashier’s check payable to “Florida Department of Health,” and enclosed in an envelope.

Yes, that is a significant non-refundable fee! Working with our cannabis testing consultants, whose core competency is winning cannabis testing licenses in extremely competitive markets, will substantially increase your chance of winning at the first submission opportunity.

Step-by-Step Guide for Winning a Florida Certified Marijuana Testing Laboratory License

Below are actions you can take now to increase your chances of winning a Florida cannabis business license.

Step 1: Read the Laws and Rules

The first step you should take is to read the laws and rules of the Florida Medical Marijuana Market. You’ll have a significant advantage over any applicant who chooses not to. You’ll understand the minimum requirements to win a license and operate a successful business. Don’t have time to read hundreds of pages of laws and regulations? No problem. Engage a Florida marijuana business consultant (step 2).

Step 2: Engage a Florida Cannabis Testing Consultant

A cannabis testing laboratory consultants can guide you through the entire application. Our cannabis testing license application writers will manage your application from start to finish. Our cannabis Florida laboratory consultants can assist with technical writing, real estate selection, talent acquisition, raising capital, building local support, laboratory design, and more. Learn more by scheduling a free consultation today.

Step 3: Form Business Entity

You’ll want to form a business entity for your proposed cannabis business. We most commonly find applicants forming LLCs or corporations. But you should consult your attorney to determine what fits your goals best.

Step 4: Build a Team

Having the right team will make or break your Florida Certified Marijuana Testing Laboratory. The more expertise related to business management and medical cannabis business operations you can bring to your team, the more likely you are excel.

E4 Bioscience offers cannabis talent acquisition services as well as predictive job suitability testing to help identify excellent employees to help you build a strong team for your application.

Step 5: Develop a Business Plan

It’s never too early to put together a strong cannabis business plan for your testing laboratory. You can use it to raise capital, build awareness, garner local support, build your brand, recruit a team, and more. Moreover, you can use portions of your business plan in your actual cannabis license application.

Step 6: Raise Capital

Starting a Florida cannabis testing business is a costly endeavor. Start-up costs frequently run you and your team millions. Now is a good time to get your financials in order ensure you have sufficient capital to build the business. You’ll have to show the source of all your financing for the application.

Step 7: Choose a Location

Getting an early start on using business intelligence to identify a suitable location for your cannabis testing laboratory in Florida. It can take months to secure a location and then building improvements will almost certainly need to be made. Check with the municipality and make sure your proposed location is compliant and zoned correctly.

Step 8: Write and Submit License Application

Finally, you can begin writing portions of your Florida cannabis testing license application. We listed the sections of the application above that you will have to submit. You’ll easily end up writing hundreds of pages of technical narratives. Allow our marijuana testing laboratory consultants to organize and write your application for you.

Conclusions from our Florida Cannabis Testing Laboratory Consultants

In conclusion, the opportunity to enter the billion-dollar medical marijuana industry in Florida is just around the corner. Working with a cannabis consulting firm like E4 Bioscience will save you time and reduce stress. Allow the pros to win you a license.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you win a cannabis laboratory license in Florida.

Additional Information related to Florida Certified Marijuana Testing Laboratory License

Below is supplemental information that our Florida cannabis testing consultants included for your reference.

Ownership Limitations

You can only be an owner, officer, board member, or manager of one application. Similarly, you are only allowed to own one certified marijuana testing laboratory (CMTL) in Florida.

Transferring Ownership

So are you allowed to sell or buy a certified marijuana testing laboratory (CMTL) license? In other words, can you transfer ownership of the license? The short answer is yes. However, the acquiring entity must apply to the Department and meet all of the licensure requirements mentioned above.


You cannot have a profit-sharing agreement with the property owner or lessor of any of your CMTL facilities.

Disqualifying Criminal Offenses

As mentioned earlier, Florida will not award you a license if you have anyone on your team (owners, officers, employees, etc.) that has any disqualifying offenses. Florida considers the following as disqualifying offenses:

Useful Resources

Below are links to some useful resources from our team at E4 Bioscience

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