Cannabis laboratories have a turnover rate that is almost 15x higher than the average clinical diagnostic laboratory. This sobering statistic is a root cause of financial inefficiency, lost productivity, knowledge drain, and damaged company culture in any laboratory and needs to solved as quickly as possible. What can companies do to mitigate the risk of excessive employee turnover? E4 Bioscience managing partner, Dr. Shaun Opie shares some advice as someone who has been recruiting laboratory directors, analysts, quality managers, and other technical positions for his own and other labs since 2011.

Learning Objectives:
1. Compare and contrast various methods cannabis recruiters use.
2. Discuss the relative predictive value of different methods for hiring highly productive and engaged employees.
3. Provide an example of an accessible and fiscally responsible pre-hire employee selection method to increase both new hire job success and retention in a cannabis laboratory.
Dr. Opie notes that implementing hiring practices that are common and effective in much larger organizations is achievable with a little work by creating technical questions relevant to the position expectations, creating a rubric for consistent interview question scoring, and using pre-hire interview assessments (Harrison Assessment) to better understand the working preferences of a candidate to ensure job suitability.
Listen to the webinar.
If you would like to speak with one of E4 Bioscience’s cannabis testing experts to learn more about integrating digital recruiting technology into your labs hiring process, please contact us!